Friday 30 May 2014

And the curtain falls...

I'm warning you all now this is about to get pretty emotional for me so grab a box of tissues.

Sunday May 25th was the official last show of  'Parés au décollage?' and I'm pretty sure my heart broke. The cast made its way to Kitchener to participate in SOYTF (Southern Ontario Youth Theatre Festival) at 4 in the afternoon. This show had a peculiar set of obstacles, Christine and I had faltering voices, we had no tech run and a stage that was actually quite awkward. Right before we went on Daniel brought us all together and told us to come up with an end to our characters story, we didn't have to tell anybody but just think of what will happen to them when they leave this airport. It brought a new depth to our characters. No more time for talk, it was show time.  As per usual the show went on without any stumbles and about half way through I started to cry, I just couldn't believe this was the last time I would ever be playing Sam.

After the show ended multiple cast members had tears falling down their cheeks, we had done it, we had brought real life into these characters and they had become part of us. It was an emotionally draining day that's for sure. We were all ready to fly away ...

The bigger and more dreaded end is fast approaching as well, after The Great Gatsby on the 5th, 6th, 9th and 10th and our grade 11/12 drama class play on the 16th, my highschool acting career as well as that of Daniel, Natalie, Marc, Christine, Nick and Dallas is officially over. The curtains are about to close.

I would like to take a moment to thank all of you for you constant support and feedback for La Troupe Royale. I know it wasn't always easy to be nice to us drama geeks and you didn't always like watching the plays but hey it didnt kill you guys did it?

Hope you guys will all stay to see the next two plays to cheer us on one last time before we're gone forever. Places everybody!

Its been one hell of a ride, Lajeunesse.

Tuesday 13 May 2014

One more time?

If you all thought all we had left up our sleeves in La Troupe Royale was Gatsby, you were wrong! Did you forget about the grade 11/12 end of the year drama class play? I bet you did. Allow me to clarify it for you.

You may remember some of the previous drama class plays since you've been in high school such as Mascarade back in Andre Meloche and Alex Seguin's graduating year, or even Chad Doit Mourrir from two years ago, a spin off of 'John Tucker Must Die'. This one was my personal favourites, not only because I helped write it and acted in it but because it was just so much fun to create and perform and poor Dallas, he was the only boy that year but hey at least he was a star... Even though we all tried to kill him! You might also remember last years play 'Île ne m'aime' pas which was based on the movie 'Couples Retreat'. That play was a perfect representation of the ugly side of theater kids, if only you all could have seen the creation and practice process... train wreck. We pulled it off in the end though! These productions count as our final exam for our drama class. It must consist of a play lasting between 50 minutes and one hour, written, directed and starred in by the grade 12's of the course, created specifically for our school audience and their tastes.

This play must be completely created and perfected in the space of about a month and a half. Believe me when I say that this is NEVER enough time to put it together at a relaxed pace. It is usually supercharged and rushed. It is all supposed to be done within the 75 minutes of class per day, yeah no, we always end up with after school practices to make up for the lack of time during school hours. Not exactly ideal but hey we're dramatics it's our job to get it done on time.

This years play is being written and directed by Nicholas Rogers and Natalie Reid and stars Daniel, Tim, Rachel, Dallas, Marc, Jacqueline and Myself. It is without a doubt something nobody is ever going to expect us to do. Unlike anything we've ever done and very very original. It will be presented  June 16th and is sure to impress. Make sure to be here that day! You know by now we always bring it!

See ya later beautiful people!

Sunday 27 April 2014

What Did You Guys Think?

The one day a cast either looks forward to all year or dreads all year has officially past... The school show. Thursday April 24th the cast put on our faces for our biggest crowd and as all the students descended we all began to prepare ourselves for the critiques we would receive be they positive or negative.

 As the show progressed it became clear to us that the audience was reacting positively to the show. They ou'd and awe'd at the right parts as well as laughed and cried at the right parts. This energy really fueled our performance and pushed us to make it bigger and better with every line.

Once the show came to a close, the final applause was heartwarming and rewarding. We made our way to the doors as the school population flooded out the doors and we were met by swarms of people crying and congratulating us. My best friend told me how proud she was of me and yes, I did ball my eyes out after that. It was truly amazing the feedback we received and it seemed as if most everybody enjoyed the show. That is  really what matters after all is how we are able to touch people with our acting.

The audience took to social media and there were countless tweets and posts about how much everybody loved the well performed and well written production.

Later that night our final show in Windsor took place. We put on our parents show which again was a huge success. Some Lajeunesse alumni were in attendance such as Aidan Johnson-Bujold and Avery Dent, as
well as some La Troupe Royale alumni; Kaitlyn Labute.

I must admit, I am still a little awestruck and in disbelief that my last home show as a main actress for La Troupe Royale has come to pass. Thank you to Noecker for making a speech about it and making me cry. But hey, at least there is one last show in Kitchener in a month!

Which leads me to the question... What did you guys think?

Round and Round We Go

When members of La Troupe Royale aren't working on the big productions or performing at some out of town festival, we content ourselves with our drama class productions. That being said, this week we had to do a bit of both. 

Every year the grade 11 and 12 drama class creates three 10-20 minute plays that we go and perform at all the grade schools. These are either anti bullying plays or anti drugs/alcohol plays. M. Noecker chooses 3 of the students taking the grade 12 credit and those students come up with an idea, write a script, direct that play and they can choose to act or not act in their production. 

This year our 3 directors were Natalie Reid, Alyssa Outram and Rachel Robichaud. Each charged with a different kind of bullying to portray. With roughly two weeks to put everything together it was an unusually quick task to accomplish. 

It was a jam packed week of performances too. Wednesday we had 3 shows at St. Edmond, Monseigneur Jean Noel and Georges P. Vanier followed by a show at Monseigneur Augustin Caron and 2 performances of our big show on Thursday and 2 shows at St. Jean Baptiste and St. Ursule, Friday. Needless to say we were all quite exhausted by the end. 

At each school grades 5 to 8 were called down to come watch the 3 plays. The first show was Natalie's show and it pertained to cyber bullying, the second belonged to Rachel and warned against physical bullying and lastly there was Alyssa's show (this was the show I acted in) and this show was about verbal bullying. 

Following the three shows, the entire class takes the time to sit and talk with the students about our own experiences with bullying. We also answer all questions about our plays, our drama program, bullying itself, coming to Lajeunesse, and how to handle specific situations. To be quite honest it was very evident which students were being bullied and which schools had the biggest bullying problems. Some of the questions were quite specific and rather difficult to answer. 

My first ever year being part of these grade school performances was in grade 10. My director was Mackenzie Menard and we did an adaptation of 'Mean Girls'. I played the character of Regina George and it was an anti bullying play. Poor Kaitlyn, she played the victim and we poured water on her pants during every show!  It really has been a very eye opening experience to see all the different shows over the past few years and to see the students that benefited from watching us and asking us questions nobody else had answered for them. 

Sunday 20 April 2014

Sometimes you have to say goodbye...

It's never easy to say goodbye is it?

As I have previously mentioned, a cast is like a family. This type of family however, is very unique. It is a type of family that slowly morphs from strangers, to acquaintances, to friends, to people you count on in your everyday life and that you'll never ever forget. I truly feel this way about the casts I have been part of for the past 3 years in la Troupe Royale.

Unfortunately, in less than three months our family will be broken up. This year we will be losing, Dallas Heffernan, Marc Lanteigne, Natalie Reid, Nick Rogers, Christine St Pierre, Daniel Zeiter Smith and myself as well. 7 very important family members will be graduating and moving on to bigger things. It's really going to be different for us next year. No more weekly practices on Mondays or long drives to competitions and festivals. No more competing for Sears Fest or T.A. Its all going to be gone and it makes me sad to see it go.

The grade 12's that are graduating leave our legacy to the few who will remain next year. It will be up to Tori, Shannan, Tim, Florine and Michelle to pick up where we left off. I have full confidence in them to step up to the plate and put on the same amazing performances we have been throughout this year. They are more than capable of blowing us all away. I will miss them dearly.

Something being a theatre kid has taught me is that it is worth it to really put in time and effort to accomplish something that is important to you. Long 8pm practices, early morning rises, long bus rides, missing out on social events all turn out to be worth it in the end. Also, the value of team work has really been emphasized in this theatre program. It sounds so cliche but we do all really count on each other.

It is almost time for me to say my farewells to the people that have become so near and dear to me. I both look forward to and dread May 25th, my last show as a main actress in one of La Troupe Royal's productions.

Pardon me getting all emotional here


Sunday 13 April 2014

Competition? Oh we'd love some!

What a week it has been for La Troupe Royale! Sears Festival- Regionals and Théâtre Action have come and went and left behind huge success stories. 

Wednesday April 9th at 7pm, following a two hour tech run, La Troupe Royale took to the stage for their Sears Festival Regional competition performance at Sir John A Macdonald Secondary School in Hamilton.  It was an outstanding performance that left most of the actors, myself included, in tears.  We later received a wonderful and informative adjudication by the talented Terry Tweed. She loved our cast as a whole as well as the beautiful original piece written by Daniel Zeiter-Smith.

Sears Festival showcased many amazing plays that blew us all away, there is truly huge talent brought forward during these performances. My personal favourites from this years festival were, Phoenix by John McGregor Secondary School as well as Jane which was a huge movement and chorus piece.  La Troupe Royale sat through many plays and met many new people all while patiently waiting for the awards show. 

At last on Friday April 11th somewhere around midnight, the moment of truth arrived. Terry Tweed announced the awards of merit, of excellence and the two productions that were to move on. The first being 'A History of the World' a movement piece from Grimsby Secondary School and 'Albertine in five times' an all female piece from Westdale Secondary. I personally loved the girls who played in this productions both as actresses and as people as a I had the wonderful opportunity to befriend them. 

Lajeunesse itself came home with two very important and very honorable awards. First, an award for Amanda Drury for her musical Composition for 'Parés au décollage?' and we also took home the Adjudicators Award for Daniel's amazing writing and directing and for our outstanding cast ensemble. I could not be more proud of our achievements.  I would like to congratulate Daniel, his baby has become a raging success all over Ontario!

Now this Festival was tiring enough on its own but La Troupe Royale had another job to do. 

Friday April 11th at 10am, we took to the stage for our Théâtre Action performance. This was our first time presenting in front of an all French audience who would actually understand everything we said. It was a magical experience. Our show ended with a standing ovation and praise from all in attendance. The awards show was held on Saturday April 12th we all awaited anxiously for our award from the FTAMS

For the second year in a row Lajeunesse took home the award for Best Production. Every student from every school, even those that didn't see our show gave us a standing ovation. How amazing! 
I must say though that, all the late nights and sleep deprived trips aside, it makes me ridiculously sad to know that my Sears Festival and Théâtre Action career is over. Those are experiences I will always keep with me. 

Oh and by the way we're still not done yet! 3 more performances soon to come. A parents show, a school show and SOYTF still await us. 

Tata for now! 


Thursday 3 April 2014

We can't stop and we won't stop!

Ah! I see you have returned to hear of new developments in the drama program! Fortunately, I have much to share at this time. Are you ready? Here we go.

Following La Troupe Royale's performance at Sears Festival our leader Kevin Noecker was contacted by the representatives of the SOYTF, The Southern Ontario Youth Drama Festival. They informed him that they would like to invite our cast to participate in this festival. Now, normally this would be just a very nice
 interest in our show but this case it is an enormous honour and outstanding achievement. Those in charge of this festival traveled around southern Ontario and watched somewhere around 150 various plays. From those 150 plays they then select the 8 best and contact them, to participate in this invitation only showcase. It is a celebration of superb young talent in our province.

Sunday May 25th our cast will travel to Kitchener to perform in this festival. It is an amazing feeling to have been chosen to participate this year. This, being my last year in my highschool theatre career, is without a doubt the most amazing year to date. All the recognition, all the awards and all the invitations is really heartwarming and makes all the hard work we all put in worth while.

In other news, March 25th La Troupe Royale performed on our own stage for the schools artistic endeavors night. It was a showcase for the music program, the visual arts and the dramatic arts. The show began around 730 and it was a raging success. Friends and family in attendance we poured our hearts out for all those we love and they gave us back just as much energy as we gave them. Laughs and tears alike.

It was wonderful to have all those you care about be impressed by all your hard work and talent. When
someone tells you they're proud of you it gives you a warm fuzzy feeling inside that puts an undying smile on your face.

This was the first time the cast had performed the show with all the new additions and changes in front of an audience.  A huge congratulations to Tim, Marc, Tori, Michelle and Florine for learning and perfecting their new parts so quickly and effectively.  It was different but none the less an outstanding performance.

Acting tip! 
What do you do if all of a sudden something goes wrong? What if someone forgets their lines? Misses a cue? Doesn't enter for a transition? Do you stand there stunned? No! You have to improv out! Pretend nothing is wrong, if the audience can't see that you messed up, it almost as if you didn't. Make up a line to get the scene back on track or move your position so that it looks like it supposed to be that way.  Never let them know you weren't perfect!

I would like to thank everyone who came to watch our show. Your support really means the world to us as actors and as students.

5 more practices until our next competition in Hamilton and then off to Ottawa. We're counting down the days! Wish us a big old 'MERDE'

Bye guys!
